Monday, September 27, 2010


Well, the last few days have been exhausting, to say the very least. I don't know how many more goodbye hugs I can take. I'm really just super-ready to get on the plane...and that's when I'll be totally and completely psyched. Everything is packed (God DAMN my bag is heavy) and I'm doing that gross thing where you just wear the bits you aren't taking with you. So of course I'm much less of a fashionista today than usual--but, sigh, can't be helped. At least my plane outfit is totally cute. A ruffled black tank, jeans, a soft little ruched fuschia cardigan, and army boots. Get ready to hear a ton of fashion-talk here, dear readers. (Boys, you can just skip it and get back to making mud-pies and being made of snips and snails and stuff). I've been reading waaaaay too many fashion blogs lately, which is good and bad. The good: they give you a million awesome new fashion ideas you never would have thought of yourself. The bad: they make you want to shop. A LOT.

On that note, the divine Robin and I will soon be starting a fashion blog of our own of sorts, and co-posting from opposite sides of the pond. Deets to follow.

I'm drinking green tea at Starbucks, which is the only thing I can bring myself to order here anymore, as I've kind of lost my taste for the icky sweet and calorie-stuffed hot drinks they peddle. Oh, until Robin and I open our uber-incredible steampunk coffee shop one of these days, of course.

Wish me luck and strength and safe travels. If all goes well future posts will be more interesting than this one, cross my heart.


  1. You in army boots? Can we get a pic of that? :)

    Good luck!

  2. Yeah, I know, I kinda want a photo of that too...

  3. Photo now available on Modmucha. :-)
